Author: Daniel Boudreau

Organic Bed Sheets

Organic bedsheets are becoming more available and more affordable. But why should you choose organic bedsheets over conventional ones? Aren’t they the same? Well, there are a number of reasons why you should definitely go organic when choosing your bedsheets. Conventional cotton production accounts for 25% of the world’s pesticide use. Conventional cotton is horrible for the planet, causing pollution of rivers, lakes and aquifers. You may absorb some of the pesticide residues through your skin. Processing conventional cotton uses even more chemicals, some of which are highly toxic. The workers who handle conventional cotton, from the plantation to the finished product, are exposed to many chemicals, which can be detrimental to their health over a long period of time. Sleeping on certified organic sheets will give you the peace of mind that you are doing a favour for your skin and body. Organic cotton is not genetically modified, doesn’t contain any toxic dyes and is safer for the people involved in its production.

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Sleep deprived? This is how it could be affecting your learning and memory

Dr. Stuart Fogel heads a research team at the sleep laboratory of the Royal Ottawa Institute for Mental Health Research. He conducts experiments on people while they sleep. This is done by attaching brain electrodes to the scalp and monitoring the activity on an EEG machine. The motivation for these extensive sleep studies comes from the reduction in sleep that adults are getting nowadays. The US average sleep time for adults is constantly falling, and people are paying the price with the health consequences that ensue.

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